Cass’s 10th sleuthing adventure is due out on 9th December. I hope it’ll be possible to have a launch in the Library and a signing session in the bookshop - further details once I know them. Meantime, here’s the blurb:
It’s the dark nights in the run up to Christmas, when Shetland’s little people, the trows, are traditionally allowed to wander around human houses. Sailing sleuth Cass Lynch wakes to find tiny footprints in the snow around the cottage she shares with Gavin, her policeman lover. Theirs isn’t the only house that’s been visited by creatures that can apparently vanish. Is it just ingenious local teenagers staging a protest against Cass’s father’s windfarm, or is something more sinister going on? Then a young man disappears, leaving only a trail of footprints into the middle of a snowy field...