Cat arrived in the series in The Trowie Mound Murders. He’s great company for Cass, and has taken well to life at sea.

I have a very spoiled tortie who watches every film with us, obviously waiitng for the daring tortoiseshell cat to come in and save the day - so I decided to let Kitten join Cat and Cass aboard Khalida.

Cass’s Khalida is a dead ringer for my own 8m Van de Stadt design keelboat, Karima S.
My Karima S at Vementry. The rolled up blue sail at the front is the jib; the white bundle is the mainsail; the white blade contraption at the back is the windvane to help the boat steer herself.
Sailing into the sunset – out between the Røna Light and the Vementry Guns, then next stop Greenland.
In the cabin, looking forward towards the heads (you can just see the toilet seat between the wooden bulkhead and the white one) and forecabin, where the light airs sails are stored. The prop-leg table on the right is lowered to couch level at sea. The ‘step’ at the bottom of the picture is the combined cabin steps and box covering the engine – Cass sits there when she has visitors.
As I sail mostly single-handed, I only dare fly the spinnaker in the lightest of winds – but oh, it’s pretty! NJI was the owner before last.
Cooking facilities aboard! ‘Fiddles’ keep the mugs and plates in their place, even when the boat’s tipped so far over that the sea is washing the opposite windows.
Looking towards the stern of the boat. Cass’s berth runs back under the starboard cockpit seat.